AI AI Voice Chat Chat Privacy Policy Introduction: AI AI Voice Chat Chat is a chat-based app that allows users to interact with an AI language model in a conversational manner. This privacy policy outlines how AI AI Voice Chat Chat collects, uses, and stores the information of its users. Information Collection: AI AI Voice Chat Chat collects the text of the chats between the user and the app, including any questions asked by the user and answers received from the AI language model. AI AI Voice Chat Chat also uses analytics to collect general information about the way users interact with the app. This information includes, but is not limited to, the number of times the app is used, the types of questions asked, and the length of time spent using the app. Audio Information: AI AI Voice Chat Chat uses the microphone permission to listen to the user's questions, but does not store any audio information. The audio is processed in real-time to transcribe the user's questions into text, which is then used for the chat with the AI language model. Information Use: The information collected by AI Voice Chat is used to improve the performance of the AI language model and to provide better answers to the user's questions. The analytics information is used to analyze usage patterns and to identify areas for improvement. AI Voice Chat does not sell or share any of the information it collects with third parties for commercial purposes. Data Storage: The information collected by AI Voice Chat is stored on secure servers located in the United States. AI Voice Chat takes reasonable steps to protect the security of the information it collects, including implementing industry-standard security protocols. However, no method of transmitting or storing electronic information is completely secure, and AI Voice Chat cannot guarantee the absolute security of the information collected. Third-Party Services: AI Voice Chat uses third-party services to provide some of its services, including hosting and analytics. These third-party services may collect and store information about the user's interactions with AI Voice Chat. AI Voice Chat has no control over the privacy practices of these third-party services, and the user should consult their privacy policies for more information. Privacy Rights: Users have the right to access, modify, and delete the information collected by AI Voice Chat about them. To request access to or deletion of this information, users can contact AI Voice Chat at Changes to Privacy Policy: AI Voice Chat may modify this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes to its services or to reflect changes in privacy regulations. The user should review this privacy policy periodically to stay informed about how AI Voice Chat collects, uses, and stores information. Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about AI Voice Chat's privacy policy, please contact us at